Could not create the Java Virtual Machine during launch of iXp
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Could not create the Java Virtual Machine during launch of iXp


Article ID: 8231


Updated On: 02-14-2018


Workload Automation Agent


After upgrading iXp to 11.3.5 Incr6 (build 5113), some users are not able to start iXp. During the launch of iXp they receive following error message:

"Could not create the Java virtual machine"


iXp 11.3.5 Incr6


Since Incr6 the following modification in iXp.jnlp file was done.


 <j2se version="1.6+" initial-heap-size="80m" max-heap-size="256m"   />


<j2se version="1.6+" initial-heap-size="256m" max-heap-size="1024m"   />


This was done to address following problem:

Unable to Retrieve Large Job Log Files

Problem Record: 40

For huge job log retrieval, the iXp GUI might run out of memory.

This issue is fixed. The maximum memory value of the iXp.jnlp startup file for iXp GUI has been updated to allow a maximum of 1024 MB (compared to 256 MB in previous versions). Similarly, the maximum memory value of the AdminTool.jnlp startup file for iXp Admin Tool has been updated to allow a maximum of 512 MB for larger customer environments. 



There are 2 possibilities to address this problem.

1. Increase RAM on your desktop

2. Decrease the max-heap size in file iXp.jnlp from max-heap-size="1024m" back to max-heap-size="256m".

Additional Information

File iXp.jnlp is located under $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ixp directory.

Release notes of Incr6 can be found on docops on following link 11.3.5 Incremental 6 Release Notes