When trying to insert a date using the DD/MM/YYYY [HH:MM] format in Calendar Editor for iXp, get the following error message:
Date (DD/MM/YYYY [HH:MM]): CAUAJM_E_50305 Invalid date 15/08/2017 entered.
Date (DD/MM/YYYY [HH:MM]):
Date (DD/MM/YYYY [HH:MM]): CAUAJM_E_50305 Invalid date 25/12/2017 entered.
Date (DD/MM/YYYY [HH:MM]): CAUAJM_I_50430 Insert Successful for Calendar: <calendar name>
When trying to create a new calendar, the following error message is observed:
Saving calendar failed:null
Patch iXp to 11.3.5 Incremental 1 or later.
The iXp server should be started with an additional Java property:
This property should be added to JAVA_OPTS.
For example:
JAVA_OPTS=-Dixp.home=/opt/ixp -Dixp.autocal.force.mmddyyyy=true -Xmx500m -Xms500m