Datamaker: Cloning does not generate the correct XREF/XLOOKUp meta functions
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Datamaker: Cloning does not generate the correct XREF/XLOOKUp meta functions


Article ID: 7903


Updated On: 10-19-2023


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


In Datamaker, cloning does not generate the correct XREF/XLOOKUp meta functions. This applies to @xref and @xookup for DB2 "smallint" and "decimal" column data types. We do not want to make these changes manually. We are expecting the Data Creation Assistant to make this change for a "smallint" primary/foreign key.


CA Test Data Manager (TDM)- Datamaker


Data Cloning is working as designed. Column reference validation does not work on Portal and this is by design.

If you want to use xlookup/xref in the Numeric PK sub-columns, then you should change the cloning rules to use xref. You can also use the Data Creation Assistant to generate the required xref/xlookup functions.

Additional Information

If you experience any further issues, please open a support case by going to