What are the evidences that USEZIIP and Collection Tasks are being used by Detector
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What are the evidences that USEZIIP and Collection Tasks are being used by Detector


Article ID: 7902


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


How to verify that Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) is offloading work to the ZIIP to reduce CPU costs and tasks have been used after
making the following change to the hlq.CDBAPARM(PDT) member?

/*                    PDT PARMLIB OPTIONS                  */

XMANID     (0000)              /* XMANAGER IDENTIFIER OVERRIDE      */
TRSALL     (N)                    /* TRACE STATUS: LIST ALL USERS ON    */
                                           /*    ACTIVE AND PENDING QUEUES          */
USECOLLTASKS (Y)         /* USE COLLECTION TASKS                        */  <=========
COLLTASKSCNT (2)         /* COLLECTION TASKS 2                              */  <=========
USEZIIP     (Y)                  /* USE ZIIP                                                      */  <=========


Once ZIIP is in use you will see the PDT0196 DETECTOR COLLECTION TASK PARAMETERS IN USE... in the Xmanager log.
You can also go to the product (Detector) and select Option collection status screen (3.C) to see the zIIP usage under column PDT-XM-ZIIP.