I am install CA Symdump Batch r 10. When I initialize a new r 10 repository file the heading lists release R 9.1.
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I am install CA Symdump Batch r 10. When I initialize a new r 10 repository file the heading lists release R 9.1.


Article ID: 7833


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


I am upgrading from CA Symdump Batch r 9.1 to r 10. As part of the upgrade I am creating a new r 10 repository file but the initialization program CAOUPRTU report shows r 9.1 in the heading. I have release r 9.1 in the linklist but in the initialization step I have a JCL STEPLIB pointing to release r 10. I would expect to see release 10 in the repository initialization report.




The heading you seeing in the output of the CAOUPRTU utility program comes from the  CA Symdump batch r 9.1 modules that are loaded in system storage and not from the STEPLIB. CA Symdump batch is usually started at IPL time using the CAS9 utility program CAIRIM. As part of starting CA Symdump batch modules are loaded into system storage. Since the LPAR in question currently has CA Symdump Batch r 9.1 currently initialized r 9.1 modules are in storage.


The release heading in the report is informational only. To properly test CA Symdump batch only one version of the product should be initialized on the LPAR. Please see the following link for details on initializing release 10. An IPL is also required when changing releases. 


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Before activating your product, you must make the executables in CAI.CAVHAUTH and CAI. CAVHLOAD available through STEPLIB or LINKLIST. Both libraries must be APF authorized. 

CAIRIM must be active on each system that runs CA InterTest or CA SymDump products. You can specify the following parameters to customize CAIRIM before activating your products. 

STEPLIB The following loadlibs are required if they are not in the linklist: The loadlib containing CAIRIM CAI.CAVHAUTH - CAVHAUTH must be APF authorized. 

Add the following control card to the member or data set pointed to by the RIMPARM DD to initialize the CA InterTest and CA SymDump products.