IMPD-main not starting up CA Identity Manager
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IMPD-main not starting up CA Identity Manager


Article ID: 7821


Updated On: 10-09-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


We are experiencing the following error when we attempt to start up the Provisioning Server.

20170725:091644:TID=0009d0:StartUp :----:----:E: ***** STARTUP ERROR [EtaServer] *****: Required directory DSA 'impd-main' is not 
20170725:091644:TID=0009d0:StartUp :----:----:E:+available. Shutting down IM Provisioning Server. 
20170725:091644:TID=0009d0:EtaServer :----:----:I: ***** SHUTDOWN of Identity Manager Provisioning Server initiated ***** 
20170725:091644:TID=0009d0:EtaServer :----:----:I: STOPPING Notify Monitor Thread 
20170725:091644:TID=0009d0:EtaServer :----:----:I: Notify Monitor Thread Stopped 

This is a fresh install of the product.


Identity Manager 12.6
Identity Manager 14


This is caused due to files that were created prior to the install that were not removed during the uninstall process.


This was resolved by doing the following.

1) Run the uninstaller for the provisioning server. There may be left over files that need to be removed before running the installer.

2) Check for any leftover files in the following locations. 

C:\Program Files\CA\Directory\dxserver\config\servers


C:\Program Files\CA\Directory\dxserver\config\knowledge


** Warning - Only delete files you know that were created by the installer. These are what need to be removed before reinstalling the Provisioning Server. **

**Always make backup of the files before deleting anything. **