JasperSoft shows no reports in the repository.
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JasperSoft shows no reports in the repository.


Article ID: 7814


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CA Spectrum


We are using the Unified JasperSoft reports, with various CA products for reporting, and so are using a common DB repository and not the mySQL that comes with Spectrum.

It integrates successfully with Spectrum, but then shows no reports in the repository.

Unified JasperSoft reports integrates sucessfully with Spectrum, but shows no reports in the repository.


CA Spectrum 10.X CABI JasperReports Server Integration for Unified Dashboards and ReportingCommon DB repository outside of Spectrum mySQL instance.


In this situation, mySQL was installed manually and apart from Spectrum so did not take the mySQL config that comes with the Spectrum install.  In the OneClick/SRM tomcat log files we will find an import failed message, such as below.

“Import State: Import failed. Reason: null id in com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFileResource entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs) Errors:ErrorDescriptor{message='null', errorCode='import.failed', parameters=[null id in com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFileResource entry (don't flush the Session after an exception occurs)], errorUid='null', exception=null} Warnings:null”


This points to a problem with the mySQL database configuration.


This can be resolved by changing the mySQL configuration at <mysql install directory OR a sub directory>\my.cnf (Linux) or my.ini (Windows).  Search for “max_allowed_packet”.


Before change : max_allowed_packet=1M

After Change : max_allowed_packet=16M

Save the file and re-start the mySQL server. Once it is up, please perform the integration step, on the OC web administration page "Jasper integration" one more.  Once it completes sucessfully, log into JasperSoft and check for the reports.

Additional Information


JasperReports Server needs DB repository (you can use MySQL that comes with Spectrum).  JasperReports Server creates its own DB (‘jaspersoft’) in the MySQL instance.  You can install Spectrum OneClick with SRM on a separate box even before attempting to install JasperReports Server and use that as repository. If you plan to use JasperReports Server for other CA products also, then you can select a common repository.