Separate Installation of DB2 Online Monitor Tools from All Other Products
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Separate Installation of DB2 Online Monitor Tools from All Other Products


Article ID: 7811


Updated On: 02-14-2018


RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS Database Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS Fast Check for DB2 for z/OS Fast Index for DB2 for z/OS Rapid Reorg for DB2 for z/OS


User has a requirement to deploy selected CA software products (RC/Migrator, Log Analyzer, etc.) while deferring the rollout of other software components, in particular the monitor tools Detector, SSA, and perhaps even Sysview/DB2.

 Please provide a way to re-architect the software installation process associated with CA ZOS DB2 software products.

 The goal of this revision would be to completely separate the deployment methodology of online monitor software from other licensed products.


Component: GEN


If you want to dictate the level of code being executed for a given release you need only pass in a different suffix (or ENV string ) that then correlates to a PTISYSxx which in turn will then have a unique DSNAMExx, and SETUPxx. It will be the DSNAMExx member that allocates the code level of the CA DB2 libraries, and the SETUPxx member will have a unique XMANID. All of the varying platforms will have their own correlating Xmanager running. 


=== RSPMAIN PARMLIB(highlevel.R19.CDBAPARM) Suffix(00) 

In highlevel.R19.CDBAPARM there exists PTISYS00 which has DSNAME00 and SETUP00 (along with the other global parmlib members) The DSNAME00 member will have a EPLIB and PTILIB DD pointing to a .CDBALOAD library that has no maintenance, and the SETUP00 member will have an XMANID(1900). 


=== RSPMAIN PARMLIB(highlevel.R19.CDBAPARM) Suffix(11) 


In highlevel.R19.CDBAPARM there exists PTISYS11 which has DSNAME11 and SETUP11 (along with the other global parmlib members Still referencing 00) The DSNAME11 member will have a EPLIB and PTILIB DD pointing to a .CDBALOAD library that has 6 months of maintenance, and the SETUP11 member will have an XMANID(1911). 


=== RSPMAIN PARMLIB(highlevel.R19.CDBAPARM) Suffix(55) 


In highlevel.R19.CDBAPARM there exists PTISYS55 which has DSNAME55 and SETUP55 (along with the other global parmlib members Still referencing 00) The DSNAME55 member will have a EPLIB and PTILIB DD pointing to a .CDBALOAD library that has all maintenance, and the SETUP55 member will have an XMANID(1955).