ERROR: You are in conflict with another active user... trying to sign on with CA Output Management Web Viewer 11.5.
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ERROR: You are in conflict with another active user... trying to sign on with CA Output Management Web Viewer 11.5.


Article ID: 7799


Updated On:


Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


Getting the message Password Invalid 

Followed by the message Userid invalid 


ERROR: You are in conflict with another active user... 

You must sign on with valid User Id and Password

The last message repeats each time you try to signon.



Release: OUTDVW05500-11.5-Output Management-Web Viewer


Please insure that you are NOT using IP Addresses for "User Session Validation".

Start the Web Viewer Administration tool (Admintool):

1) On the Web Viewer Server, click on the Start button on the lower right. 
2) Select All programs 
3) Select CA 
4) Select Output Management Web Viewer 
5) Select Administration tool 
6) A signon box comes up. 
7) Sign on - this is the userid and password for the Web Viewer SQL database.

Turn off the IP Address setting

1) click on File->Preferences. This will open a dialog box
2) Click on the "Security Definition" tab. Uncheck "IP Address", and click apply.

You will need to restart Web Viewer after this change. 

1) Net stop iisadmin /y
2) Net start w3svc