Hello, Please guide me to the latest maintenance (if any). Thank you!
Release: Component: TELON
To get to the maintenance: 1. Please sign in to Support.ca.com 2. Please select Download Management and choose the product 'CA Telon Application Generator' 3. Choose/click on 'Solution Downloads Available' 4. Page down and when you see 'CA Telon Application Generator MVS', please click on '5.1' to get the maintenance available for release 5.1. 5. You will see that there are about 186. 6. Please click on Component and filter based on choosing just the CA Telon component and page down until you get to the 'TELON 5.1 OS' components, which has 72. Please note that a few are for the pc version, so you will not need to select those to add to your cart.