The FormattedID prefix for Type 'Initiative' under Portfolio Item Type in CA Agile Central had changed.
Article ID: 77111
Updated On:
Rally On-PremiseRally SaaS
We noticed just today that a user changed the FormattedID prefix for 'Initiative' under Portfolio Item Type from 'IN' to 'FI'. How can I change the FormattedID prefix for 'Initiative' back to 'IN'?
Release: Component: ACSAAS
Here are the instructions on how to set the FormattedID prefix for Initiative back to he original prefix of 'IN' .
1. Navigate up to 'setting' and click on Workspace&Projects 2. Locate and click on the workspace 3. Locate and click on 'Fields' under 'Details for Workspace' 4 Next to 'Type', choose Portfolio Item 5. Locate Portfolio Item Type 6. Click on the gear next to Portfolio Item Type and click edit 7. Next to Initiative under ID PREFIX, change the 'FI' to 'IN' 8. Save and close