How to remove or deactivate a Vendor Certification?
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How to remove or deactivate a Vendor Certification?


Article ID: 77098


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


How can I remove or deactivate a custom Vendor Certification?

A new custom Vendor Certification was implemented but triggered a problem on some devices with polling. How can we resolve this? 


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


Problem with custom certification XML files or with device support of the custom certification.


Removing a Vendor Certification, once imported, is not supported. See the Cannot Remove a Custom Vendor Certification documentation topic.

As an alternative we recommend a few different paths to resolve this.

  • Always test in non-production systems before importing to production systems.
  • Move the Vendor Certification to the bottom of the Vendor Certification priority list.
  • Break the association between the Monitoring Profile hosting the Metric Family the custom Vendor Certification is attached to, and the Collection Group housing the impacted devices.
    • That will remove the impacted customization.
    • It may require a Rediscovery run of the affected devices to return them to a normal polling state.