Component 'Cfx4032.ocx' is not registered
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Component 'Cfx4032.ocx' is not registered


Article ID: 77088


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


After Windows Client install client tried to open the DTOC4SYS object, I get a popup error window....

Run time error '339':  
Component 'Cfx4032.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:  a file is missing or invalid.


Component: VANT


Its possible the component was corrupted by improperly shutting down your PC, getting a virus infection or some kind of issue in the Windows registry


For Windows 10 Cfx4032.ocx will be at C:\Windows\SysWOW64. If you are running 32-bit Windows, Cfx4032.ocx will be at C:\Windows\system32.
These are classed differently and so we may need to change directory (cd) before registering.

Please run the Command Prompt "as administrator" and execute these cmds.
1) cd "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" (or "C:\Windows\system32")
2) dir /b Cfx4032.ocx <- to make sure the file is therefore indeed
3) regsvr32 Cfx4032.ocx If you receive anything else than "DllRegisterServer in Cfx4032.ocx succeeded", you can try to register SfxBar.dll ("regsvr32 SfxBar.dll" and then repeat step 3.) Cfx4032.ocx requires SfxBar.dll that is why.

Alternatively you can register all Vantage Windows Client related components at one time with these instructions and attached file. (file register_ALL_WCfiles.bat)
1) Open the Command Prompt window as "Run as administrator". 
2) cd to the folder where you downloaded "register_ALL_WCfiles.bat". 
E.G.: If you downloaded to C:\Temp\Download, type "cd c:\Temp\Download" and press enter. 
3) Type "register_ALL_WCfiles.bat" and press enter. 
4) After the script has finished, check the content of the "register_ALL_WCfiles.log" file produced into the same folder where you downloaded "register_ALL_WCfiles.bat". 
The file should contain : 
INFO: Windows Client installation path ... 
INFO: All correct. 


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