Release: 14.x
Component: IDMGR
There are few options to bypass the sync of eTADSaccountExpires:
First option:
The ADS_SYNC_BYPASS should be set on both the C++ Connector Server service and on the Provisioning Server (IMPS).
If the Provisioning Server is running on Linux you would need to set the variable in the profile of the ID used to start the Provisioning Server.
With VAPP, for example, you would do the following:
1. Log into the vapp with config user
2. su - imps
3. vi /etc/.profile_imps
4. add the export ADS_SYNC_BYPASS=AttributeName1;AttributeName2;
5. exit out of the su - imps
6. stop_ps
7. start_ps
On the External Windows C++ Connector Server you would do the following:
1. Go to Computer Advanced Settings
2. Add the System Environment Variable ADS_SYNC_BYPASS=eTADSaccountexpires;
3. Stop the JCS and CCS
4. Start the JCS and CCS
Second option:
Manually adjusting the account template:
Open a LDAP browser (e.g. JXplorer) against the etadb.
(Port: "20391" - Base DN: "dc=etadb" - User DN: "eTDSAContainerName=DSAs,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=etadb" - DSA password)
Go to your ADS template branch:
eTADSPolicyName=<YourADSTemplate>,eTADSPolicyContainerName=Active Directory Policies,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=etadb
Unset the eTADSaccountExpires attribute value, so that there is no value for this attribute.
Trigger again a sync process with this weak sync template to change the groups membership.
No attempt to update the eTADSaccountExpires is made. In addition, if this template is used to create new accounts, they will be created as never expires.
Can also be helpful to avoid updating the mailbox size by using the eTADSmDBUseDefaults attribute.