Tape Label Display
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Tape Label Display


Article ID: 76804


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


I am getting NOT SCRTCH (28) errors on tapes, and I would like to display the actual tape label information. Is there a utility in CA-1 or any other method to display label information?


R 14.0


In order to read the header information, TAPEMAP can be used to perform this function. The TAPEMAP member can be found in the CTAPJCL library and the member is named CTSJTMAP.

Note* If two outputs are given, examine the larger output which should have the DSN's towards the bottom of the output.

Alternatively, you can run the following IEBGENER below which will reference the tape as LABEL=(1,BLP,EXPDT=98000) and it will print off the first label on the tape.

 //STEP01  EXEC PGM=IEBGENER                                    
//SYSIN     DD DUMMY                                           
//SYSUT2    DD  SYSOUT=*                    
//          LABEL=(1,BLP,EXPDT=98000),
//          DISP=SHR
//SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                     

Additional Information

CTSTMAP will list all files on the tape.
IEBGENER will list only the first file as the example is coded.