WSDLException - Unable to locate with a locator the schema referenced at 'xsd'
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WSDLException - Unable to locate with a locator the schema referenced at 'xsd'


Article ID: 76501


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CA Application Test Service Virtualization


When trying to recording a VSM using the  " WSDL" option  in the Portal Console, we are getting an error that says it cannot find the .xsd file ",

In the Portal, Under Create VS,  Select :   Specification component and specify the wsdl file,   'MYService.wsdl'  , click on create icon.  
And , we are getting the below error:  

2018-03-09 22:48:41,978Z (16:48) [ServerRequestResponder 2] ERROR  - Unable to build wsdl cache for file:/C:/DEVTEST10.2/vsBuilderSessions/VSE_2013/bundles/1axZn_xyH4PBJKiOG0OhAl/inputContainer/ICygzHFkivBZQ8N6xBcd-d3/MYService.wsdl
javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException (at /wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xsd:schema): faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Unable to locate with a locator the  schema referenced at 'XYZ.xsd' relative to document base '


All supported DevTest releases and platforms.


To create Virtual Service from portal. If WSDL file has external schema xsd file, you need to create the WSDL bundle first.


For  a WSDL file that has external Schema  .xsd file , we will have to first create a bundle and then use this bundle for VS creation. 

Steps to create WSDL bundler:
1. Launch Workstation -> In the Actions Menu  select WSDL Bundler
2. Select the WSDL file location,  and the Destination location.  
3. Add the .xsd file to extras. 
4. Bundler will create a zip file.  
5. Use this .zip file in the Portal to create the virtual service.  

Additional Information

Refer to section "Create Virtual Services from WSDL" in the documentation of the DevTest release you are running.