1. Get the Subscription ID with filter and attribute list as part of subscription request,
URL: http://<hostname><:portnumber>/spectrum/restful/subscription
2. Make sure filter attribute also added including filter as below as part of request
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x12a07" /> <!-- Cause Count -->
3. Same Subscription should be added for future/next calls
4. Attached tested xml file PullAlarmsSubscription.xml to case for reference
<search-criteria xmlns="http://www.ca.com/spectrum/restful/schema/filter">
<attribute id="0x12a07">
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x1006e" /> <!-- Model Name -->
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x11f53" /> <!-- Model Handle -->
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x11f56" /> <!-- Alarm Severity -->
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x11f4e" /> <!-- Alarm Creation Date -->
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x12b4c" /> <!-- Alarm Title -->
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x1296e" /> <!-- Originating Event text -->
<rs:requested-attribute id="0x12a07" /> <!-- Cause Count -->
This is the Expected Output:
<added-instance preexisting="false">
<alarm id="5abfb429-f73c-1003-013e-0050568c7c38">
<attribute id="0x10000">Rtr_Cisco</attribute>
<attribute id="0x12a07">0</attribute>
<attribute id="0x11f56">3</attribute>
<attribute id="0x12b4c">CHASSIS DOWN</attribute>
<attribute id="0x11f9c">5abfb429-f73c-1003-013e-0050568c7c38</attribute>
<attribute id="0x12a1f"></attribute>
<attribute id="0x12d7f">xx.xx.xx.xx</attribute>
<attribute id="0x1006e">name</attribute>
<attribute id="0x11f4e">1522512937</attribute>
<attribute id="0x1296e">The chassis name and all of its contained blades have stopped responding to polls and/or external requests. Additionally, all devices upstream from them can be contacted implying a chassis fault. A 'Chassis Down' alarm will be generated.</attribute>
Verify cause code attribute value, it should be zero ("0") as below, otherwise filter is not working.
<attribute id="0x12a07">0</attribute>
Please confirm, this can be easily tested from Browser (Postman - REST client)
Please Note: Same Subscription ID should be used for all future/next REST GET calls as below
pull-interval value in the request can be updated based on your requirement, this is basically "Subscription ID" expiration time in milliseconds.
Note: Same Subscription ID should be used for all future/next REST GET calls as below