External other schedule jobs between ESP and DE stays in EXTWAIT
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External other schedule jobs between ESP and DE stays in EXTWAIT


Article ID: 76380


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DSERIES- SERVER CA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)


The external-other job between ESP and DE stays in wait and does not complete.  When a home application job on ESP completes, the EXT-Other scheduler job on DE stays in EXT wait.


CA Workload Automation DE R12
CA Workload Automation EE 11.4


The CA Workload Automation EE (ESP) requires the application to be eight (8) characters or less.  Due to this limit DE job names are also restricted to 8 characters.  Both, DE and ESP must have application names with 8 or less characters.


The ESP and DE applications can have only 8 characters for external jobs to work between the two managers.

Note:  When the both the managers are DE, the 8 character limit is not applicable.  The job names can be longer.

Additional Information

The CA WA Agent must be correctly setup between the two managers for EXT-other jobs, see this link