Running the CA 1 utility TMSGRW to list all the datasets on a multi-files tape, it can happen that not all the files on the tape are reported but only the first one.
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Running the CA 1 utility TMSGRW to list all the datasets on a multi-files tape, it can happen that not all the files on the tape are reported but only the first one.


Article ID: 7638


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


As reported in CA 1 Utilities and Reports Guide, TMSGRW is a generalized report writer used to select TMC or Audit records and print reports in a customized format. Record selection is based on your site-defined values, using relational expressions or Boolean logic operating on input data set fields or your defined constants.


Record selection is based on comparisons of a TMC/Audit record field to a site-defined constant or to another TMC/Audit record field. The comparisons are any combinations of relational expressions.


There are three classes of control statements:









For each class of control statement, there is a separate section. Within each section there are several types of control statements, which are described under the section in which they appear. Each execution of TMSGRW requires at least one control statement for each section. The sections must appear in the order shown.


Running the CA 1 utility TMSGRW to list all the datasets on a multi-files tape, it can happen that not all the files on the tape are included in the final report but only the first one even if the REPORT-SECTION looks like the following:





How to correct this situation, obtaining the complete report of all the files present on the tape? 


CA 1


In the CONTROL-SECTION it is possible to alter the default values set for the options used by TMSGRW to produce reports. Talking of multi-files tapes, the concept of DSNBs is involved  so it is necessary to evaluate and possibly correct the value set for the option DSNB during the TMSGRW run.

If nothing is specified in CONTROL-SECTION, the default value for this option is:




As reported in the CA 1 Utility and Reports Guide, this option specifies whether used DSNBs for the secondary files are to be merged in at read time.




To obtain from TMSGRW the complete list of all the files present on a multi-file tape it is necessary to specify the statement:




in CONTROL-SECTION, to change the DSNB value from NO to YES and apply what we detail in the CA 1 Utility and Report Guide for this option:



Specifies whether used DSNBs for the secondary files are to be merged in at read time. The

default is NO.

If DSNB=YES is specified, for each used DSNB record a YSVC call is made to retrieve volume

information to be combined with the DSNB information. The DSNB fields are accessed by

specifying the TMC equivalent keyword. The F1STVSN value is mapped into the VOLSER field so that reports will display the VOLSER on which the data set actually begins. Fields such as

OUTCODE, OUTDATE and ACCT are available for the DSNB data sets.

DSNB=YES can be used only with the production TMC. If an ALTER INPUT= is found indicating another file, the logic will change to DSNB=FAST.

Note: DSNB=YES will have an increase in processing time due to the YSVC call. DSNB field

not reported is PREV.

If DSNB=FAST is specified, each DSNB field is moved into the corresponding TMC record field. If there is no corresponding TMC record field, an asterisk (*) is moved to that field on the report. The DSNB fields are accessed by specifying the TMC equivalent keyword.



If, after this suggestion, the report is still wrong, please open a Case with CA Support.