Job Stays in RUNNING After Completion With Exit Code 255
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Job Stays in RUNNING After Completion With Exit Code 255


Article ID: 7634


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CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys) CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Workload Automation Agent


When a job completes on the agent machine with an exit code of 255, it is not getting marked with a completion status in WAAE. Instead, the job stays in a RUNNING status until it is manually changed to a completion status.


WAAE 11.3.5/11.3.6UNIX/LINUX


There is an agent configuration parameter called "oscomponent.noexitcode" that has the following purpose...

Specifies the exit code that tells the agent not to send a completion code to the scheduling manager host. Valid values depend on what return codes are allowed by the application, the shell, and the operating system. For example, on Linux, shell scripts can only return values between 0 and 255.

When this parameter is not explicitly set in the agentparm.txt file to a value, it defaults to a value of 255 on UNIX/Linux agent machines. Therefore, when a UNIX/Linux job exits with an exit code of 255 and this default value is in place, the agent will not send a completion code back to WAAE that triggers the job to be changed to a completion status.


On all UNIX/LINUX agent machines, ensure the parameter is set to the following value in the agentparm.txt file...


NOTE: During the installation of an agent, if the option to configure it for legacy AutoSys compatibility is selected, this parameter is automatically set in the agentparm.txt file with a value of 256.