In Rally the Time Spent Registered Under the Wrong Item
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In Rally the Time Spent Registered Under the Wrong Item


Article ID: 76084


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Why does the Timesheet reflect hours spent on the tasks assigned to a different story than the one the task is currently under? For example, on a [Continued] story instead of the [Unfinished] story that is now its parent?


1. You have a User Story with 2 tasks. 
2. You register time spent at one task and complete this task. 
3. You split the User Story the completed task goes with the [Unfinished] User Story and the incomplete Task goes with the [Continued] story
4. Then you go to the Timesheet page where you can see, that the completed task is still related to the [Continued] story even though it now is associated to the [Unfinished] story


Component: ACSAAS


When a story is split the one marked [Continued] is the original story. That story is moved to the next iteration. The one marked [Unfinished] is created as a placeholder in the old iteration for historical purposes. Generally any completed tasks will be moved to the [Unfinished] story and incomplete tasks would also be moved with the [Continued] Story.

When Items have been added to the timesheet they will remain unless manually removed or changed. We don’t currently make automated changes to these entries unless they are things like updates to names, or if an item is deleted. Even if it is deleted it will just turn grey rather than be removed. 

Therefore, since the hours for the task was entered on the [Continued] story they will still be displayed on that story, even though its current parent may be the [Unfinished] story. This makes sure that the timesheet is an accurate report of the work when it was done.