GenGen - Workstation ToolsetGen - Host EncyclopediaGen - Run Time Distributed
Currently at IMS V13 looking to migrate to IMS V15 this year. I am looking at your “IMS Compatibility Matrix” with respect to your products releases. I have the following questions. Both CA GEN 8.5 & 8.6 “appear” to be targeted for support in IMS V15. I am interested in the CAGRITCP exit. Are there any significant differences between 8.5 and 8.6 CAGRITCP exit for IMS V15?
z/OS, DB2, IMS
Typically we take the existing CAGRTCP exit for the previous release of IMS Connect and apply any changes required by Gen. At this time the CAGRITCP exit is identical for Gen 8.5 and Gen 8.6. Should any new features be introduced those would be done to the Gen 8.6 version and not to the Gen 8.5. Should there be bugs discovered in CAGRITCP the fix would be done to the version where the bug was found and to Gen 8.6 should these be different. Depending on the status of Gen 8.5 support at that time a fix may or may not be done to the Gen 8.5 version. At this stage we do not have a date of when the CAGRITCP exit for when IMS r15 will be created. Please open a new case with info on when it's needed and your business impact. It will be forwarded to the Gen Product Owner./Mgr.