How do I enable throttling on device in Spectrum- I want to reduce the number of SNMP requests to a device from SpectroSERVER where do I do this
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How do I enable throttling on device in Spectrum- I want to reduce the number of SNMP requests to a device from SpectroSERVER where do I do this


Article ID: 74884


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


How do I enable throttling on device in Spectrum- I want to reduce the number of SNMP requests to a device from SpectroSERVER where do I do this


Release: Any


Some devices do not respond well to larger number of SNMP requests so you can reduce the number of SNMP requests sent to a device by using throttling.

To enable throttling:

From the attributes tab of the device set the throttling attribute 0x11f79 to yes.

Then modify the Throttle_Count attribute from the default 10 to 5.