We are upgrading from an older version of Spectrum to the latest version but as part of this process we need to upgrade the host Operating System first- Is this ok to do
Article ID: 74882
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CA Spectrum
We are upgrading from an older version of Spectrum to the latest version but as part of this process we need to upgrade the host Operating System first- Is this ok to do
Release: Any Component: SPCCSS - SpectroSERVER Core
In a situation where the current Operating System (OS) doesn’t meet the install requirements for a newer version of Spectrum that you are upgrading to you should be able to upgrade the host OS first without any impact to the Spectrum install.
As a precaution you should take a backup of the following (though they should not be impacted by the upgrade of OS if the upgrade is done correctly):
$SPECROOT/custom directory.
Or if you are running on a VM, to take a snapshot of the VM in case there are issues. Another option in this scenario where an upgrade of the host system is required would be to consider migrating to a new machine with the new OS already installed.