Auto Close feature not triggering
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Auto Close feature not triggering


Article ID: 74792


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


You can use a configurable setting to allow automatic closure of CA SDM tickets. When a ticket is set to a Resolved status, the ticket is automatically closed in the number of business hours specified. The Auto Close activity notification sent to the end user displays the number of business hours before the ticket is closed. You can configure business hours for each tenant. If the status is changed before the configurable number of hours ends, the ticket closure is canceled.

What are the possible root causes for Auto Close feature not triggering ?


CA Service Desk - All Supported versions.


  • Mandatory fields may stop Auto-Close. (For an intermittent problem, not likely. But may look intermittent if the change occurred between the ticket generation time and the resolution.)
  • Customized SPL code can interfere.
  • "Resolved" Status (or other) is not with the default attributes of that Status. Flag is that the Incident does not have a "Resolved Date."
  • Child tickets still being active if option leave_children_open not installed.
  • Auto-Close may use Regular Workshift. So results may not be as predicted if customer has different or no workshift.

Additional Information

See this section of the documentation for more details: Automatic Closure of Tickets