IECTMS1 is prompted after applying maintenance
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IECTMS1 is prompted after applying maintenance


Article ID: 74790


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CA 1 Flexible Storage CA 1 Tape Management - Copycat Utility CA 1 Tape Management - Add-On Options


With CA1 14.0 and maintenance applied IECTMS1 WTOR  is displayed when the  DLm PRIVATE NL tape is mounted. 


Component: 1


CA 1 tape processing takes increasing advantage of the IBM standard tape exits for OPEN, CLOSE, and End-of-Volume (EOV). Use of standard tape exits reduces the number of CA 1 dynamic tape exits. Standard tape exits further promote the reliability of tape processing in the data center. 

One noticable change that using the IBM standard O/C/EOV exits has introduced however, is that when a specific volume is requested using NL or BLP processing the requested volser is not filled into the UCB control block at the time the IECTMS1 WTOR is issued. So, a "D U,,,xxxx,1" of the UCB in question will not show the requested volser (only the original mount message will). However, as a reminder the IECTMS1 WTOR can be simply eliminated by having the NLWTOR option set to NO (or N) in the TMOOPTxx member of the CA 1 options library. 

Use the NLWTOR parameter to control whether the IECTMS1 WTOR is issued when a tape is requested by specific VOLSER and no labels are present. 

The hlq.CTAPOPTN(TMOOPTxx) NLWTOR parameter has the following options: 

Prevents IECTMS1 WTOR from issuing when a tape is requested by a specific VOLSER and no labels are present. This option assumes that the requested volume is mounted correctly. Many sites with robotic systems that still use NL or BLP use this option to prevent this WTOR. If a request is made to read an NL volume 123456 (VOL=SER=123456,LABEL=NL), then in a robotic environment it can be assumed that the requested volume is always correctly mounted. 
(Default) Indicates that the IECTMS1 WTOR is issued. 

The NWLOR parameter should be set to NO and activate it by running a TMSINIT, to dodn't get the IECTMS1 mesasge.