When trying to access Endevor package lists or CA Endevor SCM 'New Endevor Vew' dialog box with CA DEZ I receive error messages and CRRZC2200E.
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When trying to access Endevor package lists or CA Endevor SCM 'New Endevor Vew' dialog box with CA DEZ I receive error messages and CRRZC2200E.


Article ID: 7478


Updated On:


Development Environment for Mainframe


When trying to access Endevor package lists or CA Endevor SCM 'New Endevor View' dialog box I am returned the error 

View Creation Error 

CRRZC2122E Could not execute Get Repository Instances: CRRZC2200E An error was received from the CARMA Host (<host>): [500] 500:RETURN CODE:0020 REASON CODE:0015 ERROR MESSAGE: 

The session would hang for 10 minutes then timeout with messages

CRRZC2122E Could not execute Get Container contents 

CRRZC2008E The CARMA Command timed out. Operation canceled.

The error log contains the error messages

.Source:.500|500: RETURN CODE: 0020 REASON CODE: 0015 ERROR MESSAGE: .Depth:.1  .isSpirit:.false DataStore:.server_host  

INFO: com.ibm.carma.rse.server.miners.CARMAMiner: handleCARMACommand: Issuing Command: C_GET_CONTAINER_CONTENTS 

INFO: com.ibm.carma.rse.server.miners.CARMAMiner: Executing command on instance=PackagesList, member= 

INFO: com.ibm.carma.rse.server.miners.CARMAMiner: Executing command on RAM=01 

INFO: com.ibm.carma.rse.server.miners.CARMAMiner: Adding key-value: name= FILTER, value= PKGID:* 

INFO: com.ibm.carma.rse.server.miners.CARMAConnectionManager: handleCARMACommand: Checking if CARMA server is active 

INFO: com.ibm.carma.rse.server.miners.CARMAConnectionManager: handleCARMACommand: Executing command getmems 





The following parameter were missing from the RDZPARM file 

VIEW RDZPARM Columns 00001 00080

Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR 

****** ********************************* Top of Data **********************************

000001 PRDGROUP= 


000003 PRDPOST= 


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