Image Copy IMS Catalog (with Alias Concept)
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Image Copy IMS Catalog (with Alias Concept)


Article ID: 74729


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Database Analyzer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Configuration Manager for IMS for z/OS IMS TOOLS - MISC Compress Data Compression (IMS Tools) Database Analyzer for IMS for z/OS Database Copier for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer for IMS for z/OS Mainframe Extended Terminal Manager (IMS Tools) High Performance Recovery for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Program Restart Manager for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index Builder for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index for IMS for z/OS


Running DATABASE COPIER Version 19.0 

We defined in our RECON an IMS Catalog HALDB with Alias concept. Further we had to add the alias name (DFSS in our case) to the IMS catalog database name list in our IMS DBD library with the IMS Catalog Alias Names utility (DFS3ALI0). The result was the following: BROWSE DBS.SERVICE.DBDLIB

 Command ===> 
Name Prompt Alias-of 
_________ DFSCD000 
_________ DFSCX000 
_________ DFSSD000 DFSCD000
 _________ DFSSX000 DFSCX000 

When running DATABASE COPIER Version 19.0 against these Catalog databases, the utility gets a problem with the DBD: *DFS0909I DBD --DFSSD000-- IS NOT A VALID DBD IEA995I SYMPTOM DUMP OUTPUT 193 USER COMPLETION CODE=0909

The DBD exists in the DBDLIB, but as an alias of the original DBD...

IBM Image Copy runs without errors

Will this problem be solved in DATABASE ORGANIZER Version 20.0?  


COPIER Version 19.0


It is quite correct to say that we don’t support aliases. Our documentation says: DB copier DBDNAME= keyword description: Limits: 1 -8 alphanumeric characters; DBDNAME must exist as a member of IMS or DBDLIB. There may be the following circumvention by using:


We just checked that now but we cannot say that this option was tested comprehensively.


Additional Information

To answer your question if we plan to add support in v20: it is likely that we will start developing it.