Explore Correlate Definitions search returns no defitnitions
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Explore Correlate Definitions search returns no defitnitions


Article ID: 7466


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


After creating new Explore & Correlate definitions, the administrative user cannot search for them.


Identity Manager 14.3 onward


This is part of the security enhancements of version 14.3


Please apply the following procedure:

Open the User Console and log in. 

We are assuming that the user you want to modify is the admin user (usually superuser or imadmin), So we will change the System Manager role. 

Click on Roles and Tasks and then on Modify Admin role. 

Select the System Manager role 

Click on Members 

Click on the pencil icon in order to edit the scope rule. 


Scroll down to the bottom of the window where you will see a combo box to add the scoping rule.


In the combo box select Explore and Correlate Object and click on the plus icon. 


A new scoping rule will be added to the role. 
Select the scope of (all). 


Your admin user should now be able to see the explore and correlate definitions.