Slow Response time With Large Reports with Many Indexes Web Viewer 12.1
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Slow Response time With Large Reports with Many Indexes Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 74310


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


Very large reports with many indexes can take 7 minutes or more to load.  Out of memory conditions or a blank screen can also occur.


Release: 12.1
Component: WBVLUW


Not limiting the amount of data users can download all at once.


Resolve this problem in two steps:

  • Limit  the maximum number of index entries that will displayed at one time.  
    1. From the Administration tab, select Display Preferences
    2.  Set Maximum Number of Value entries to Limited 500 - or as low as 100
    3. Select Update in the upper right corner.
  • Users can use filters to find and view the reports they need to see.

Additional Information

The Unlimited option is not recommended if you have very large (over 100,000)  index value lists in your repository,