After we started to use Virtual Host Manager (VHM) in Spectrum with systemEdge to monitor our virtual environment, we started to see duplicate model alarms, such as:
Duplicate model detected.
Duplicate IP with different MAC detected.
One reason that this can happen is often during an upgrade or a change on the systemEdge side, e.g. a configuration change, the vCenter server will be given a new ID in SystemEdge.
Spectrum sees this new id as a new vCenter and discovers the virtual devices again, creating duplicates.
The main difference between the duplicate models should be a different sytemEdge ID.
As the original model is based on an ID that no longer exists, it is no longer needed.
We need to delete the model with the earliest creation date.
Or we can just delete all duplicates and let the VHM discovery run and find the pingable device.
If SNMP discovery is enabled, it will later convert this to a snmp capable device e.g. host device in this case.