PDT0144 DETECTOR COLLECTION TIME LIMIT EXPIRED related to INT collection parameter
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PDT0144 DETECTOR COLLECTION TIME LIMIT EXPIRED related to INT collection parameter


Article ID: 74049


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


Issuing Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) modify command and expected one output file for 10 minutes but get 2 files of 5 minutes:

START(DTR),DYN(Y),SDE(Y),CHV(Y),SCA(Y),SQT(Y),SQLT(Y),PRF(<collection profile>),DB2(<ssid>),INT(0010),RND(Y),PLEXINTV(N),EXT(Y),


The PDT collection started at 7:45 and the first interval ends at 7:50 because of the round up RND(Y) option.
At 7:55 the following message PDT0144 DETECTOR COLLECTION TIME LIMIT EXPIRED DB2=ssid is displayed because of the 10 minutes specified for interval time (INT).

Here is how the RND(Y/N) round interval keyword works:
Specify one of the following operands to indicate whether to end the collection interval on a time boundary
that is an integral multiple of the interval time.

Rounds the end of the interval to an integral boundary. If you specify Y, also specify INT(Y).

Does not round the end of the interval.

Default: Y