DSERIES- SERVERCA Workload Automation DE - System Agent (dSeries)
How can I create a Custom View to display only jobs that are in an AGENTDOWN state?
Release: Component: DSRIES
Logon to Desktop Client.
Navigate to Monitor Perspective
Click on Custom Views tab.
Right click on an empty space in the pallet and choose New.
Under Presentation, Give your Custom View a meaningful view name.
Select the desired field(s) from the Available fields and add them to the Selected Views table. In this instance we chose, Job Name, Agent Name and State.
Click on Filter and add whatever filters you would like to filter down only the jobs at which you want to see. In this instance we chose to set Field Name to State; Relationship to Contains; and Value to AGENTDOWN.
Click anywhere in the Criteria table to complete your edit of the added filter. This will allow the OK button to be clickable.