NM Gateway Server service fails to start with error code '1062'
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NM Gateway Server service fails to start with error code '1062'


Article ID: 7402


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Automation Point


When trying to start a CA Automation Point Service from the Configuration Manager -> Expert Interface -> Infrastructure -> Services panel the following error message can be seen:

CapSvcs::StartASOService -> Function = 'ControlService' failed with error code '1062'

Reason = The Service has not been started.

Failed to start service = 'CA-AP NM Gateway Server’



In ASOTRACE.log following message can be seen:

09:14:59.673 S0 Pnnnn Tnnnnn C=2  Sev=E JNIDLL::NmGatewaySrv.rmiRegister> Unable to register NM Gateway Server with RMI. Shutting down.



MS Windows Server


Local Java policy does not grant permission for communication via the NM Web Gateway service port.


(1) Go to installation directory of your 32bit Java installation (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\JAVA\<jdk\jre version>)
      Or when using CA Automation Point rel 11.6 SP1 and higher to the 64bits Java installation (default C:\Program Files\Java\<jdk\jre version>

(2) Find java.policy file inside the lib\security subfolder and back it up.

(3) Open the java.policy file and add following lines at the end of the file:

grant {

    permission java.net.SocketPermission "localhost:5099", "listen";



Note: if you are not using the default NM Web Gateway port 5099, use the number of the used port instead of the 5099.