Detailed Poll Logging by IP
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Detailed Poll Logging by IP


Article ID: 74009


Updated On: 09-02-2024


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Support may ask you to enable poll logging for troubleshooting an issue.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


"Detailed Poll Logging by IP" allows support to see exactly what data we are polling on a device and to also see the raw data being returned from that device.


To enable "Detailed Poll Logging by IP"

  1. We need to go to dcdebug:

    Even though this is DCdebug, the host you connect to is the DA


        (Replace yourDA with your DA Hostname or IpAddress)

  2. Next to 'Detailed Poll logging by IP', hit 'Enable':

  3. On the next screen enter the IP of the monitored device (affected device), make sure the correct 'IP Domain' is selected and hit 'Enable Logging'


Note that the "Enable Logging" button will remain greyed out until you enter an IP address.


Once enabled, allow this to run for at least an hour, or however long support has requested.


To collect the logs:

  • hit the "Search Debug" link. This will bring you back to the first page.
  • Select 'Download all logs for IP'
  • hit 'Download As Zip'



Attach the zip file to the issue.

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