1. If possible shut down antivirus while the upgrade is running or at least ensure the full \CA\NFA directory is excluded from any anti virus scan.
**You should also give the <C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp> directory Everyone (full privlegdes).**
2. Ensure the user you are logged in with has full control over all \CA\NFA directories and sub directories.
3. Launch a CMD prompt with "Run as Administrator"
4. Run the following command:
mysql_upgrade -P3308 -u root
5. Ensure that the command succeeds.
6. Change directory to the \CA\NFA\Migrator directory and run "runMigrator.vbs"
7. Check the \CA\NFA\migrator\migrator.log file to ensure that the script finished with exit code 0 and the version of NFA is updated.