Getting abend VAH1 and ATSP bend when signing on DQRY on Ideal or IPC.
The symptom is occurring after upgrading and testing under a new CICS environment.
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A task has attempted to issue a WRITEQ TS request for a recoverable TS queue
that has already been deleted in the same unit of work.
System action
The task is abnormally terminated with a CICS transaction dump.
User response
Correct the application to avoid issuing a WRITEQ TS request to a recoverable
queue in a unit of work in which the queue has already been deleted.
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Set CICS macro DFHTST parameter DATAID to space.
IDEAL, DDOL and DQ TSQs must NOT be CICS recoverable, therefore the characters $, #, V and DQ must NOT be included in the DATAID parameter for the DFHTST macro.
Does the site really need to specify DATAID values? If so, DO NOT include "$" "#" "V" or "DQ".