Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues for the Connector in Rally
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Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues for the Connector in Rally


Article ID: 73194


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


  • After initial install, connection fails to either Rally or the server that you are integrating with
  • Messages such as the following are recognized in the rallylog.log:
    • Cannot connect to ''
    • Cannot connect to server name specified for the system to be integrated


  • Perform each of the following troubleshooting steps in succession to determine if there is an environmental issue causing the problem
  • These steps may be performed to either the Rally Server, or the server which houses the integration platform
  • If you are unclear on what action to perform if one of the tests is unsuccessful, consult with your IT & IT Networking teams for assistance

1) Disable 3rd-Party Security Applications

3rd-party security applications that may be running on the system for which the connector is installed can include but are not limited to:

  • Software Firewalls (This also includes Windows Firewall)
  • Antivirus Software
  • Spyware, Adware and Malware Protection

When performing network connectivity testing between the server and client systems, ensure that all programs that meet the above criteria are disabled.

2) "ping" Command:

The "ping" utility is used to determine if there is a network path from your client to Rally's server.
This may be executed from a Windows or Linux command-line depending on your integration client system.
Type the following command from command-line (Note: If you are testing an On-Premises version of Rally, change "" to your server name) :

  • ping

Successful "ping" Command Example:
Pinging [<RALLY_IP>] with 32 bytes of data: 

Reply from <RALLY_IP>: bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=127 
Reply from <RALLY_IP>: bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=127 
Reply from <RALLY_IP>: bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=127 
Reply from <RALLY_IP>: bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=127 

Ping statistics for <RALLY_IP>
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), 
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: 
Minimum = 37ms, Maximum = 40ms, Average = 38ms 

Unsuccessful "ping" Command Example:

Pinging [<RALLY_IP>] with 32 bytes of data: 

Request timed out.

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for 
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), 

3) "nslookup" Command:

The "nslookup" utility is used to query your site's DNS server for the IP address of Rally's server.
This may be executed from a Windows or Linux command-line depending on your integration client system.

Type the following command from command-line (Note: If you are testing an On-Premises version of Rally, change "" to your server name) :

  • nslookup 

Successful "nslookup" Command Example:

Server: <HOSTNAME>
Address: <HOST_IP>


Address: <RALLY_IP>

Unsuccessful "nslookup" Command Example:

Server: <HOSTNAME> 
Address: <IP_ADDRESS>

*** <HOSTNAME> can't find Server failed


Server: <HOSTNAME>
Address: <IP_ADDRESS>

DNS request timed out.
    timeout was 2 seconds.
DNS request timed out.
   timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Request to <HOSTNAME> timed-out


4) Using a Proxy Server

Please refer to the following KB article:

Configuring a Proxy Server via Operating System Environment Variable for Connectors

5) "telnet" Command:

Using the "telnet" utility will allow for testing on the port-level to ensure there are no firewall rules restricting access.
This may be executed from a Windows or Linux command-line depending on your integration client system. If when
running in Windows it reports "telnet command not found", refer to your operating systems documentation for how
to enable this functionality.

Type the following command from command-line (Note: If you are testing an On-Premises version of Rally, change "" to your server name) :

  • telnet 80 

Successful "telnet" Command Example:

Connected to 
Escape character is '^]'. 

  • At this point, telnet is waiting for input from you
  • Enter this line, and hit enter/return twice
    • GET / HTTP/1.0 

If you have connected to Rally successfully, you should see output similar to this: 

HTTP/1.1 302 Found 
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 21:53:43 GMT 
Server: Apache 
Location: https:/// 
Content-Length: 193 
Connection: close 
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 

<title>302 Found</title> 
<p>The document has moved <a href="https:///">here</a>.</p> 
Connection closed by foreign host. 

  • To exit telnet, enter "Control-[" (hold down the control key while pressing "]"), then enter "quit": 

telnet> quit 
Connection closed. 

Unsuccessful "telnet" Command Example:

Trying <RALLY_IP_ADDRESS> ...Could not open connection to the host, on connect failed

6) "traceroute" Command:

The traceroute command will show a listing of each network "hop" required to send a packet from your system to the destination host.
This command is especially effective for understanding if there is a problem with your ISP, or even a latency issue.

Type the following command from command-line (Note: If you are testing an On-Premises version of Rally, change "" to your server name) :

  • Windows

    • tracert 
  • Linux
    • ​traceroute 

Successful "traceroute" Command Example:

Tracing route to [<RALLY_IP_ADDRESS>] 
over a maximum of 30 hops: 
1 2 ms <1 ms <1 ms <IP_ADDRESS>
2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms <IP_ADDRESS>
3 6 ms 5 ms 3 ms <HOSTNAME> [<IP_ADDRESS>
4 5 ms 7 ms 8 ms <HOSTNAME> [<IP_ADDRESS>
5 3 ms 11 ms 3 ms <HOSTNAME> [<IP_ADDRESS>
6 168 ms 52 ms 194 ms <HOSTNAME> [<IP_ADDRESS>
7 * * * Request timed out. 
8 6 ms 13 ms 6 ms <RALLY_HOSTNAME> [<IP_ADDRESS>] 
Trace complete. 

Unsuccessful "traceroute" Command Example:

Tracing route to [<RALLY_IP_ADDRESS] 
over a maximum of 30 hops: 
1 2 ms <1 ms <1 ms 
2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 10.xx.33.1 
* * * Request timed out. 
* * * Request timed out. 
* * * Request timed out. 
* * * Request timed out. 

7) "curl" Command (Linux):

"curl" is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols (in this case HTTP)

Type the following command from command-line (Note: If you are testing an On-Premises version of Rally, change "" to your server name) :

  • curl 

Successful "curl" Command Example: 

<title>302 Found</title> 
<p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p> 

8) Workspace/Project Print via Ruby Script:

Run the following Ruby script, exactly as is. There is no need to change the username, password or URL as they are a valid read-only user: 

(Note: If you are testing an On-Premises version of Rally, change "" to your server name, 
and change the $un / $pw to a Username and Password which are valid for your server) 

#---Begin code 
require 'rubygems'; require 'rally_rest_api' 
$un = "<USERNAME>" 
$pw = "<PASSWORD>">"",:username=>$un,:password=>$pw) 
puts "Username: '#{}', Subscription: '#{}'" 
r.user.subscription.workspaces.each_with_index do |w,i| 
puts "Workspace #{i+1} - #{w}" 
w.projects.each_with_index do |p,j| puts " Project #{j+1} - #{p}"; end 
#---End code 

  • When the above Ruby code runs, it should connect to Rally and print the workspaces and projects: 

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ruby rubytest.rb 
Username: 'Evan', Subscription: 'Company 1' 
Workspace 1 - Healthcare Story Pattern 1 
Project 1 - Big Healthcare 
Project 2 - ChartFX 
Project 3 - Global IT Project 
Project 4 - Ultrasound Device 2000X 
Project 5 - IT Project Agile Team 
Project 6 - Compliance Team 
Project 7 - Display Team 
Project 8 - Image Processing Team 
Project 9 - Software Control System Team 
Project 10 - Transducer Firmware Team 
Workspace 2 - Healthcare Story Pattern 2 
Project 1 - Big Healthcare 
Workspace 3 - Integrations 
Project 1 - Online Store 
Workspace 4 - Schneider 
Project 1 - Shopping Team 
Workspace 5 - Workspace #2 
Project 1 - Shopping Team 
Workspace 6 - Workspace #3 
Project 1 - Shopping Team 
Workspace 7 - Sprinting Safaris 
Project 1 - Shopping Team 

Type the following command from command-line:

  • gem install builder rally_rest_api 

Fetching: builder-3.0.0.gem (100%) 
Successfully installed builder-3.0.0 
Fetching: rally_rest_api-1.0.3.gem (100%) 
Successfully installed rally_rest_api-1.0.3 
2 gems installed 
Installing ri documentation for builder-3.0.0... 
Installing ri documentation for rally_rest_api-1.0.3... 
Installing RDoc documentation for builder-3.0.0... 
Installing RDoc documentation for rally_rest_api-1.0.3... 

You can verify the required Ruby Gems are installed via this command: 

  • gem list 

*** LOCAL GEMS *** 

builder (3.0.0) 
rally_rest_api (1.0.3)