DevTest Registry and Workstation are reporting db ping no connection
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DevTest Registry and Workstation are reporting db ping no connection


Article ID: 73152


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


Does the message "db ping no connection" in the Registry log and Workstation screen indicate a problem?


All supported DevTest platforms.


The registry has a pulse every 30 seconds to check if the things it talks to are alive and creates an INFO level log statement, this includes a database ping. The end of this statement contains the information about the database.

If ping is successful, the end of the log statement contains something like: db ping: 15 ms
If the ping in unsuccessful then the end of the log statement contains: "db ping no connection".
This log statement is for information purposes only and does not effect DevTest functionality.

The ping may fail for several reasons such as ping as been disabled on the database hosting machine.
Therefore there are two options:
1. Ignore this part of the message. It is there for information purposes only.
2. Set the logging level to WARN to disable this and all INFO statements in the logs.

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