Determine vertica data and catalog directories and disk usgae from command line
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Determine vertica data and catalog directories and disk usgae from command line


Article ID: 72957


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


How can I determine where my catalog and data directories along with disk usage from the command line?


CAPM 3.x


To determine where the vertica catalog and data directories reside, along with disk usage - do the following:

  1. Log on to a vertica node
  2. su - dradmin (or equivalent user)
  3. cd /opt/vertica/bin
  4. Run the following command: SELECT node_name, storage_path, storage_status,storage_usage, DISK_SPACE_FREE_MB, disk_space_free_percent from disk_storage;

You should get output that looks similar to this:

-bash-4.2$ ./vsql -Udradmin -wdbpass -c 'SELECT node_name, storage_path, storage_status,storage_usage, DISK_SPACE_FREE_MB, disk_space_free_percent from disk_storage';
     node_name     |                        storage_path                        | storage_status | storage_usage | DISK_SPACE_FREE_MB | disk_space_free_percent
 v_drdata_node0001 | /loddisk2/catalog/drdata/v_drdata_node0001_catalog/Catalog | Active         | CATALOG       |             130847 | 92%
 v_drdata_node0001 | /loddisk2/data/drdata/v_drdata_node0001_data               | Active         | DATA,TEMP     |             130847 | 92%