What is the difference between the Planned Count and Accepted Count on a Milestone Burnup Chart?
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What is the difference between the Planned Count and Accepted Count on a Milestone Burnup Chart?


Article ID: 7283


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


The Planned points and Accepted points shown here on the Milestone Chart have different values;



The Burndown Chart includes a total number of points for user stories and defects associated to them regardless of what milestone the defects are associated to.


The Planned points are the total number of points that are associated to the user stores and defects.

The Accepted points are based off the planned estimate count of all users stories and defects and are included when work items are in an accepted state.

The work items will not be included if they are in a state of defined.  Only artifacts in a state of In-Progress or greater will be included in the count. 




Component: ACSAAS


To ensure the planned and accepted point values are correct you can use the following steps.


  • Verify the state of the work times, only work times in a state of In-Progress or greater will be included. 
  • Ensure the work items are closed before deleting them. Deleted items are still included in the count.
  • Check the recycle bin to ensure that the work times are closed.  If items are in the recycle bin, restore them and put them in a closed state before deleting.