How to Close Alarms with count greater than a value
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How to Close Alarms with count greater than a value


Article ID: 72785


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Would like to know how to close Alarms with count greater than a value

Each alarm occurrence generate records on NAS tables. If the amount of occurrence of an specific alarm is excessive will generate excessive use of database resources that may cause database performance issue that will impact directly on Alarms Subsystem performance on OC as it accesses the database to get alarms information.

As is expected on new alarm occurrence it will be displayed again at Alarm Subsystem but with count reset.


Release: Any supported UIM release
Component: nas


In order to close alarms which respective count is greater than a specific value please follow next steps:

1- Open NAS Configuration
2- Go to [Auto-Operator]-->[Profiles]
3- On context menu select [New] option to create a new profile 
4- Fill 
    [Action Type] = Close 
    [Action mode] = On message arrival 
    [Machine Criteria]--> Mark all [Severity Level] 
    [Message Counter] = [Greater than or equal]
    [Message Counter]->[Value] = threshold
5- Press [OK] button
6- Fill [Profile Name] = Close_Alarms_with_Count_greater_than_xx    
7- Press [Apply] button