How to upgrade the version of JAVA that Identity Manager is using.
Identity Manager
The following steps will update the Java JDK that JBOSS or Wildfly are using
1. Stop Identity Manager Server service
2. Install the new JAVA version.
3. Change the JAVA_HOME environment variable to PATH of the newly installed JAVA
4. Change the JBOSS_HOME parameter in the JBOSS\bin\standalone.bat file.
set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_xx"
5. Start Identity Manager Server service
Please discuss with your Websphere and Weblogic admin for steps specific to those application servers.
Starting from release 1.8.0_181, Java has enabled endpoint identification by default to improve the robustness of LDAPS (secure LDAP over TLS) connections.
Please check the link below for the solution under paragraph Java Upgrade LDAP Issue: