Sdgtw probe is resolving the tickets for cancelled status tickets in CA SDM
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Sdgtw probe is resolving the tickets for cancelled status tickets in CA SDM


Article ID: 72617


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The Service Desk Gateway probe ('sdgtw') will change the status of Incidents in CA Service Desk to 'Resolved' when an alarm is acknowledged in UIM.
In some environments, some customers may use the Incident status of 'Cancelled'.  This means the Incident is inactive (like 'Closed').
For UIM to see 'Cancelled' Incidents, the following configuration is needed:
            incident_status_considered_for_alarm_acknowledgement = resolved, closed, cancelled
With this configuration, the sdgtw probe will look for "Resolved", "Closed" and "Cancelled" Incidents that are tied to UIM alarms.  
It will then Acknowledge any alarms that are linked to Incidents in UIM.
Next, it will change the status of those Incidents to 'Resolved' (sdgtw configuration parameter: 'incident_resolve_status = Resolved').
However, the desired outcome is that UIM does not change the status of 'Cancelled' Incidents to 'Resolved' 


CA Service Desk Manager 14.1, 17.1


In CA SDM, add a "Data Partition Constraint" with:
Table: Call_Req
Type: Pre-Update Syntax:
Syntax:  status != 'CNCL'




Add this Data Partition with the above Data Partition Constraint to the user used by the integration (user specified in the sdgtw probe configuration).
This is assuming you are using a dedicated user for the integration (which is a best practice).

Additional Information

It is NOT recommended to use 'ServiceDesk' for this integration.
Please use caution when enabling Data Partition constraints for a user in CA Service Desk.   Ensure the same user is not used by other integrations.
The data partition above may break other integrations.
Please use a dedicated user for the UIM - CA Service Desk Gateway integration.