Western European Characters do not display properly
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Western European Characters do not display properly


Article ID: 72616


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


There is a specific character that shows up wrong when UTF-8 is set from the client(SoapUI) in the header content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8. The character ß shows up as �. If the client does not set the content-type header, the character ß shows up correctly.


All supported versions of the API Gateway


SoapUI defaults to iso8859-1 encoding of characters, so setting charset=UTF-8 in the Content-Type header is incorrect for the encoding being used. Postman defaults to using UTF-8 encoding, so tests with charset=UTF-8 in the Content-Type header work correctly.


The character encoding used in the client and the Content-Type header must be set appropriately for characters from the extended character set to be processed correctly by the gateway

Additional Information

It is possible to override the default encoding used when using SoapUI as the client. We were not able to determine a way to override the default encoding used by Postman, so it will always use UTF-8.