In Spectrum getting error: "SPC-OCC-10936: The access for this user is invalid or not set" when trying to add a new user to a specific group
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In Spectrum getting error: "SPC-OCC-10936: The access for this user is invalid or not set" when trying to add a new user to a specific group


Article ID: 72582


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


After upgrading Spectrum one or some user groups may not allow you to add a new user to it. If you try to add the new user to another group they can be added. The problematic group gives the following error whenever trying to add a new user.

"SPC-OCC-10936: The access for this user is invalid or not set"


Any Spectrum install, Windows, Linux


This can happen due to a few reasons. The Security Community is not filled out, the group needs to be synchronized, or the group is corrupted.


There are 3 potential solutions to this:

1. Make sure in the Access Tab in the User window there is a security community. And on the group you are trying to add it to. 

2. Click on the User Group - Make sure the Users List tab is showing, scroll to the bottom and go to the Details ->Advanced ->Expand on Advanced and select the synchronize now button. 

3. If the above does not work try creating a temp group, move these users to this temp group, delete the problem group, recreate the problem group from scratch then move these users back into the new group.