Hardware Services (HWS) provides automate hardware (HMC) functions. Through HWS, hardware event notifications are captured as the CA OPS/MVS Generic API events. A rule-based automation can be designed for hardware events such as hardware message events, security events, and operating system message events. An extra host environment is provided to automate responses and hardware interaction through hardware commands, and the retrieval and updating of system attributes.
We are starting to use HWS to automate IPLs. We have the 'ACTIVATE" command working. We would like to use 'ACTIVATE_WITH', however we getting invalid command. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. ACTP = 'XXX1XXX0R2 ' X = OPSCLEDQ() CMD = "SENDCMD CMDTEXT('ACTIVATE_WITH_"ACTP"') ENTITY(LPAR('XXXX'))" CMD2 = CMD || " DEBUG(YES) TIMEOUT(30)" .
The relevant syntax of the HISRV ACTIVATE command is: ACTIVATE PROFILE=name
If a profile name is not specified, or the value specified is NONE or LAST, then HISRV uses BCPii HWI_CMD_ACTIVATE and the image is IPLed with the last-used activation profile. If a profile name other than NONE or LAST is specified, then HISRV uses BCPii HWI_CMD_ACTIVATE_WITH_ACTPROF and the image is IPLed with the named activation profile.
But that is not the syntax you need to use for the command. Please modify your script as follows: