IQL exception does not trigger after upgrade to Sysview for Db2 r19
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IQL exception does not trigger after upgrade to Sysview for Db2 r19


Article ID: 72519


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) IQL exception that no longer works in r19.
It is an exception that should trip if an active thread extends beyond 5 minutes without a commit.


The exception does not match the definition, because the ID in the exception output is too short.
The output text must start with an eight character ID padded on the right side with blanks if needed.  


Ensure the exception matches the definition.  In this particular scenario, the ID in the exception output was too short.
The output text must start with an eight character ID padded on the right side with blanks (as needed).