TDoD: Getting a remote publish AD error
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TDoD: Getting a remote publish AD error


Article ID: 7250


Updated On: 10-17-2023


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


We recently moved to an Active Directory (AD) environment, and we are no longer able to run publish job from Test Data on Demand (TDoD). We are still able to publish from Datamaker. The AD credentials running the Remote Publish service look correct and the TDoD service itself seems to be running well. 

When running from TDoD, this is the error we see in the log files for the job:
INFO GridTools.DataMaker.BatchProcessor.BatchProcessor - Setup infra for Executor in AD authentication mode 
INFO GridTools.DataMaker.BatchProcessor.BatchProcessor - Authenticating user: <DOMAIN\USER>
ERROR GridTools.DataMaker.BatchProcessor.BatchProcessor - Exception occurred while validating user 
ERROR GridTools.DataMaker.BatchProcessor.BatchProcessor - Exception Message:The server is not operational. 
ERROR GridTools.DataMaker.BatchProcessor.BatchProcessor - Error occurred while calling gtgroupjobexecutor.exe 
ERROR GridTools.DataMaker.BatchProcessor.BatchProcessor - Exception Message: Remote engine has decided to not process this job, because AD credential of the job are not correct. 


CA Test Data Manager (TDM)- Test Data on Demand (TDoD) and Remote Publish


The remote engine uses secure mode user authentication, where as TDoD uses either secure or none. You should use secure mode to make it work in remote engine. The GTWCFHOST.exe.config file stores that information like this:

<ADSetting Domain="" AuthType="Secure"> 


Make sure that the domain name you have in the TDoD configuration editor matches what is being presented in the log files. In the Remote Engine Config Editor, change the AD domain from to your customer domain. 




Additional Information

If you experience any further issues, please open a support case by going to 




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