PTF in Software Catalog but still can not be found
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PTF in Software Catalog but still can not be found


Article ID: 72466


Updated On:


Mainframe Software Manager (Chorus Software Manager)


Trying to install a PTF from the CA CSM SMP/E Environment tab / Maintenance subtab but can not find the PTF listed. Performed an add external maintenance for the PTF that succeeded with a warning:
 The processing finished successfully. However,
the PTF was not inserted because it is already present in the catalog.
It already existed within this release and has not been updated.


Release: MSMNGR00200-6.0-Chorus Software Manager


Looking on the Products tab at the product and release to which the PTF belongs you should see it there listed with No CSI available even with the CSI in your working set.. The reason is that the Component/FMID to which the PTF applies has not been installed in the CSI. Install the Component/FMID first then the PTF will be available from the SMP/E Environment tab/Maintenance subtab.